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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I subscribe to the calendar on the website?

The iCalendar is a standard computer file format that allows the transfer of calendar data between programs.  Popular programs include Apple's Calendar, Google Calendar and Yahoo! Calendar.

Instructions to add to Google Calendar...

To add a public calendar using its address, follow these steps:

  1. Click the down-arrow next to Other calendars
  2. Select Add by URL from the menu
  3. Add in webcal:// (which will obviously change once the site moves down a level)
  4. Enter the address in the field provided
  5. Click the Add Calendar button. The calendar will appear in the Other Calendars section of the calendar list to the left.

I can't get to Church on my own, can you help?

Yes!  Both congregations offer a 'taxi' service provided by volunteers in the congregations.

If you would like transport provided to get you to the service in either the West Kirk or Polbeth Harwood, please contact us by the Friday evening before the Sunday service.

What time is the Sunday service?

There are two services on a Sunday morning.

The first is held at 9.45 am in the West Kirk, followed by a service at Polbeth Harwood at 11.15 am.

Coffee and Tea is available after the service at the West Kirk, and before the service at Polbeth Harwood.