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A Message From Our Minister: December 2022
Dear Friends,
I think it’s safe to say that the winter is here! It’s cold outside, and dark. Yet, I love this time of year!
Because if you walk through the streets at night, you can see the warm and friendly Christmas lights shining everywhere.
It’s as if the long hours of darkness focus our attention on the light. It makes us realise what a big difference light makes in our lives.
And this is not only true in our daily lives, it is very significant in our spiritual lives too… At Christmas we celebrate the fact that Jesus – the light for the world – was born.
To redeem us, to love us, to lead us through life.
So when the world around you feels cold and dark, focus on this light. The light God sent us. A light that can never be overcome by darkness.
Like when you are sitting in front of a cosy fire – let the warmth of the love of God fill you this Christmas and all through 2023…
May God bless you all,