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Prisoners Week 2024
This year, Prisoners Week is from 17th to 23rd November with various events taking place.
The launch service will be held on Sunday 17th November at 3.30pm in Letham St Marks Church of Scotland Rannoch Road, Perth. The service will also be available to view live at
Prior to that, on Thursday 14th November, there is an event at Greenbank Parish Church, Braidburn Terrace, Edinburgh from 3 - 5pm to which representatives from all Charter Churches are invited (both our congregations have previously signed up to the charter). For more information or to register, please contact or phone 07922 649160
"Children's Church" resumes after the summer break

Bible Class and Sunday Club have now resumed and all children are very welcome to join us weekly at Sunday club, we meet first in the church at 9:45am then after the children's hymn head out to the hall for Bible fun. Our high school age children meet on the first Sunday of the month at Bible class and again all are welcome to join us.
We take part during a few services: the first being our Harvest Thanks Giving service later this month, then again at Christmas and our Nativity service, with a few more events throughout the year.