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Sunday Club Resumes

  • 29 August 2013
  • liz.dyer

SUNDAY CLUB has now resumed and we have been very busy planning our new session.

We will be exploring some fantastic Bible adventures and learning some new songs….which we hope to share with you all on a Sunday morning in the near future.

We aim to make this a fun experience for the children in order to keep them coming along bon a Sunday morning so there will also be a good sprinkling of fun challenges and some crafts thrown in for good measure!

Please help us by encouraging friend’s neighbours and local children to come along and see what we have planned remembering to make new children and their parents feel at ease and welcome in our church.

Celebrating 20yrs of Blythswood Care

  • 29 August 2013
  • liz.dyer

Celebrating 20 years of caring

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the start of the Shoebox Appeal and once again Rhoda Lawton and her team are gearing up to get as many shoeboxes as possible ready and checked before they are transported across to the continent.                                               Closing date for the boxes is Sunday 3rd November when they will be sorted and checked at Polbeth Church.

Rhoda will be giving details later, but in the meantime, pick up a leaflet from the vestibules, get your shoebox and start collecting the items to go into it.

For those unable to get to the shops, for the Sundays of 8th and 15th September, Eleanor Davidson will have a stall at Polbeth Harwood selling the essentials for a box at very competitive rates. Any profits from these sales go towards the cost of transporting the boxes.

Gardening Help Wanted

  • 29 August 2013
  • liz.dyer

Help wanted!


One is nearer God’s heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth’


Can you spare 30 minutes each week to help look after the church garden (no grass cutting, well maybe the edges!!)??


If you can, phone George on 871634.  - and thank you!


Holiday Club Review

  • 21 August 2013
  • lorna.graham

Over 50 local children enjoyed a fun packed week at our first ever holiday club "Showstoppers" held in Polbeth Harwood church.

During the week over 40 adult volunteers assisted in the care, fun and games provided throughout the week, and we had a full house at the Grand Finale on the Friday evening.

Feedback from both local families and volunteers has been very positive and encouraging, hopefully this will become an annual event in our Church.

Many thanks to all who supported us, you helped us make this the great success it was.

Sunday Club....Tell Me More?

  • 21 August 2013
  • lorna.graham

Sunday Club resumes on Sunday the 1st September after our summer break.  A warm welcome awaits all children from 3 years old to primary 7, older children are very welcome should they wish to help the leaders. We meet in the Church on Sunday mornings at 9.45am, usually in the best seats in the church "down in the front row".  After the children's hymn we all go out to the church hall for Bible adventures, singing, games, craft and dvd's. We end with juice and a biscuit at around 10.40am. Why not join us on Sunday September 1st and bring a friend. All welcome

Back To Regular Services

  • 20 August 2013
  • liz.dyer

This Sunday, 25th August, sees the last of our successful united Summer Services.

Sunday 1st September, when both congregations will be celebrating Holy Communion with Rev Dr Jonanda Groenewald, sees a return to morning worship at the regular times

9.45am at West Kirk

11.15am at Polbeth Harwood

Sunday Club and JAM Club also resume at these times and all children will be made most welcome

The Guild Resumes Oct 13

  • 19 August 2013
  • angus.baxter

The West Kirk Guild resumes on the 7 th October 2013 for our new Session. Our meetings are held fortnightly on a Monday evening at 7.30pm in the Church Hall. We have an exciting programme lined up. For example at our opening meeting we shall hear from our Locum Minister Dr. Jonanda Groenewald on the Guild Theme "A Fellowship to Build". For future meetings we have  invited speakers from the Home Start Tanzania Project, The Sellah Singers and demonstrations on Soap making and Beauty/ Make Up.
Please come a long and join in a time of fellowship. New and former members will be made very welcome.
Regards, Alison Baxter, Guild Secy.

Jam Club Resumes!

  • 16 August 2013
  • sandra.dixon

Jam Club starts back on Sunday 1st September. Sandra and Carol are looking forward to seeing you all after your long summer break.  We were delighted to see so many of you were at the holiday club.  See you soon!!!

JAM Club: Collecting Stamps

  • 13 August 2013
  • church_admin

Please remember to collect used postage stamps for the JAM Club.

You can drop them into Stampie's mouth at any time.

He is very hungry!

Showstoppers - Grand Finale

  • 7 August 2013
  • lorna.graham

Would you like to see what we have been up to this week at SHOWSTOPPERS?

Then a warm welcome awaits at Polbeth Harwood.......Theatre at 7pm Friday 9th!

See our best bits, marvel at our wonderful creations and laugh along with us as our drama unfolds.

Tea, coffee and home baking will be served at the end.

This is a fun family evening and  we hope you can join us.

