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July 2022

A Message from our Minister: July 2022

  • 4 July 2022
  • lorna.graham

Dear Friends

Summer is here! All winter long, we long for the longer, sunny days, the colourful abundance around us, and some time to just relax a little. And that time is now! 

It’s so easy to just live from day to day, going through the motions, sometimes even wishing our days away. But if we do that, summer will be over before we know it… So let’s enjoy all the blessings the summer brings, and make the most of every single day!

The schools might be closed for summer, but the church is not! Please join us for worship every Sunday: During the month of July we have joint services at the West Kirk of Calder, at 10am; and during the month of August we have joint services at Polbeth Harwood Church, at 10am. Youngsters will be made very welcome, and after the children’s address they can go out to have some fun with our amazing team of youth volunteers.

In Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 (ICB), a very wise man said: “So I realize that the best thing for people is to be happy. They should enjoy themselves as long as they live. God wants everyone to eat and drink and be happy in his work. These are gifts from God.” So let’s follow his advice – this summer, and always!

May God bless you all,
