July 2023
Only two weeks to go!

We still have a small number of places left, so if your child would like to join us at this summers holiday club, don't leave it too late!
Email completed registration forms to Lorna at: clovenford@gmail.com
A Message Fron Our Minister: July 2023
Dear friends
Summer is here! Time to take a breath, relax, and enjoy the sunshine.
Every single time the seasons change I am newly amazed at how magnificently God created the world. Autumn, winter, spring, summer – every year, no exception.
In Psalm 8 we read:
Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory in the heavens…
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what are people that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
Yet, God cares for us – every single day. No matter what season it is in nature, no matter what season you are experiencing in your life… God is always there for us – every day, no exception.
So wherever you are this summer – may the sun shine on you, and may that remind you of the warmth of God’s love.
Please remember that we have joint worship services over the summer – all starting at 10am on Sunday mornings. During July these services are in the West Kirk of Calder, and during August in Polbeth Harwood Church.
May God bless you this summer, and always.
The Great Glen Green Welly Garden Show - Latest Update

Lady Flora MacBean, has been looking out her best hat and frock for our big garden show, while Doug the gardener has been working his green fingers to the bone, to ensure displays are looking the best as we welcome our guests on Monday 31st of July.
There are only a few places remaining , so do not delay in securing your place.
Registration forms and post boxes are in both churches, or you can down load the registration form below, complete it and return to: clovenford@gmail.com