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Sunday morning worship currently takes place at 9.45 am in the West Kirk; and 11.15 am at Polbeth Harwood Church.  Members regularly participate in the readings and lead prayers. 

Following on from Covid lockdown restrictions, the words of hymns during worship are accessible via overhead screens, but hymnaries are available to anyone on request.

During the summer months, there is united Sunday worship starting at 10am. The services in July are conducted at West Kirk and during August at Polbeth Harwood Church.

Now that all these services are recorded live each week and available on this website from late Sunday afternoons, there are no longer copies of weekly sermons filed on the site. However, if you wish a hard copy of a sermon, please contact the minister direct.

Communion is celebrated in both congregations 4 times a year on the first Sundays of March, June, September and December at 9.45 a.m and at 11.15am. Home communion is available to the housebound.

Hymns are usually chosen from the Church Hymnary (CH4), Mission Praise and Junior Praise.

A regular car service operates in both congregations for any requiring transport to and from morning worship and ad hoc arrangements are made for other services and social events.

Crèche facilities, under the supervision of approved volunteers, are available for morning worship.

Tea and coffee are served in the hall after the Sunday service at the West Kirk and before the service in Polbeth Harwood.

Every  month, a short informal service of praise, prayer and meditation is held in local sheltered accommodation, at Dickson Court,  starting 10.30am on a Thursday morning. This is conducted by members of the worship group.

Special additional united services are held at both Christmas and Easter and a Bereavement Service takes place annually for all in the community.